January 11th, 2012
have more puppies! You can visit them on our Pet
Puppies section.

7th, 2009
Please welcome our latest prospect: Glenmorris Logged On "Logan".

27th, 2009
Bubbles' Show Pictures are now online!

September 7th, 2008
and see Kyle and Bubbles' Show and Pet Puppies!

7th, 2008
proudly welcome Sammy, the latest addition
to our kennel!

13th, 2008
have puppies for sale! You can visit them on our Pet
Puppies section.

25th, 2007
are here! Sparkles had a littler of 5 healthy pups: 2 tri boys,
2 tri girls and one sable girl.

January 5th, 2007
Happy New Year! Our website is officially one year old!
To commemorate, we have added a Glenmorris Kennels exclusive Games section! We also added the ability to add 'smilies' to
your entry in our Guestbook.

June 10th, 2006
Glenmorris Starstruck finishes
her championship after winning BOS for 3 points under Neil Graves at RKOC.

June 1st, 2006
Glenmorris Flight Of Fancy wins
the junior puppy female class at the CSSA National Ottawa, Ont under Denise Cornelssen while her dam Glenmorris
Starstruck takes the open black class.

May 31st, 2006
Stardust and Glenmorris Flight Of Fancy win 1st and 2nd respectively in the junior puppy class at the
CSSA sweepstakes under Rodney Oishi.

April 3rd, 2006
Our Dogs Terms Defined page has been
February 4th, 2006
Our Prospects Page has been updated,
and more pedigrees have been added.
January 28th, 2006
Our For Sale page has been updated. A "Select
a Dog" menu has been added to our Sitemap
Page. Various Pedigrees have also been added.
January 22nd, 2006
Our Archives page is complete! Emma was also added to the Girls
Page, and more pictures of Ezra were
added as well.
January 17th, 2006
Our Awards Page has been completed.
January 14th, 2006
Kiley has been added to the Girls
Page, and Ezra to the Boys
January 13th, 2006
Our F.A.Q section has been completed.
January 5th, 2006
www.Glenmorris.ca begins
it's maiden voyage on the Internet! The Breed
Standards, Our Guestbook and Links sections were added.