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Dog Terms Defined

The definitions I am using here are not designed to dazzle the seasoned breeder or competitor. I am simply trying to use layman’s language to make the sport a little more friendly to the non-dog person who might see these terms and abbreviations used on this and other web pages and wonder what on earth they stand for.

Agility Competition
Class Dog Or Bitch
Conformation Show
Gr Placing

: Refers to how the dog is physically put together (structure and appearance).

Conformation Show:
Refers to a type of dog show where dogs are judged solely on how they compare to their breed standard.

Obedience Show:
Refers to a type of dog show where dogs are judged solely on how well they perform specified excersises laid before them.

Agility Competition:
Refers to a competition whereby dogs must complete an obstacle course within a given time frame.

This is the written form of the ideal dog. Each breed has its own. Breeders try to create animals that come as close as they can to that ideal.

The sum total of characteristics that make any breed district from the others.

Each breed of dog is categorized usually by the purpose for which it has been bred and assigned one of seven group designations. The Groups include Sporting, Hounds, Working, Terriers, Toys, Non–Sporting, and Herding. Shelties are in the herding group along with some of the better known breeds like the German Shepherd and the Australian Cattle Dog as well as some of the lesser known breeds like the Norwegian Buhund and the Swedish Vallhund.

The Canadian Kennel Club is the Canadian registration body for purebred dogs. It also oversees the competition at many events associated with purebred dogs.

The American Kennel Club is a national organization in the United States devoted to the advancement and welfare of pure-bred dogs.

Refers to the species in general e.g. dog as opposed to horse or it refers to the male of the species.

Refers to the female of the species and is a common term among breeders no different than using the term mare to describe a female horse.

The Following Terms Refer to Conformation Dog Shows:

Champion is a term designated to a dog who has attained a total of 10 pts under 3 separate judges.

Class Dog or Bitch:
Any male or female competing in a conformation event that has not attained the status of champion.

Specials Dog or Bitch:
Any male or female competing in a conformation event that has attained the status of champion.

Winners Dog, a dog show term. WD has beaten all the male class dogs present in that breed. WD is assessed points towards their Ch according to the number of dogs he has defeated.

WB(F): Winners Bitch (Female)
, a dog show term. WB has beaten all the female class dogs present in that breed. WB is assessed points toward her Ch according to the number of dogs she has defeated.

This is designated by an R before WD or WB. If something happens that eliminates WD or WB the reserve dog will then be assessed the points according to the number of dogs they have defeated. Unofficially known as Best of Losers.

Best of Winners, a dog show term. The BW dog is the judge deems to be the best representative of the breed between WD and WB.

Best of Breed, a dog show term. The BOB winner has defeated all the dogs present from their breed. The BOB winner will compete with other BOB winners in its group for Gr. Placings.

Gr. Placings:
All BOB winners within each of the 7 groups compete to earn placings 1 through 4. Gr. 1st winners go on to compete for Best In Show.

Best of Opposite Sex, a dog show term. The BOS winner is the dog the judge deems to be the best representative of the breed in the sex opposite to that which won BOB.

Best Puppy In Breed is a dog under 1 year of age that has defeated all other dogs in the same age category within its breed. This puppy will go on to compete for Best Puppy In Group.

Best Puppy In Group is a dog under 1 year of age that has defeated all other dogs in the same age category within its group. This puppy will go on to compete with for Best Puppy In Show.

BIS: Best In Show
has defeated all dogs present at that show.

: Best In Specialty Sweepstakes (NOT Best In Specialty Show which is actually a "Specialty BOB")

BPIS: Best Puppy In Show
is a dog under 1 year of age that has defeated all other dogs in the same age category at that show.

A separate show hosted by a club formed to promote a single breed or group of dogs. The judge is usually someone with intimate knowledge (a breeder) of that breed or group.

The Following Terms Refer to Obedience Competition:

Companion Dog is a title awarded a dog who has passed its first level of obedience competition. These dogs impress me!

Companion Dog Excellent is a title awarded a dog who has passed its second level of obedience competition. This is no small feat.

Utility Dog is a title awarded a dog who has passed its third level of obedience competition. I am in awe of this accomplishment!

: Canine Good Citizen indicates that a dog has successfully participated in AKC's CGC test - a casual set of exercises testing the dog's skills and basic obedience.

Other Terms Found In Our Site:

vWD Clear By Parentage
: Reference to von Willebrand's Disease. This is an abnormality involving a protein called von Willebrand's factor. This disease is an inherited bleeding disorder of dogs. Cleared by parentage means both of the dog's parents DNA have been checked for von Willebrand's Disease.

OFA: Orthopedic Foundation for Animals An organization of veterinary orthopedists whose mission is to organize, collate and disseminate information concerning orthopedic and genetic disease of animals.

: Saskatoon Area Shetland Sheepdog Association

: Winnipeg Area Shetland Sheepdog Association

: Canadian Shetland Sheepdog Association


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